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[–]BravoVictor[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Couldn't agree more. Every outlet lies to some degree. We're already being fed the, "Russia's about to invade Ukraine! We need to go to war with them yesterday!", narrative.

I remember Ukraine's "peaceful" revolution when their democratically elected government was overthrown by a mob rushing into its capital building. I also remember how our media cheered. Funny to compare that to the media's Jan 6 hysterics. I also remembered how the new government in Kiev then began murdering it's own citizens in Donetsk because they didn't want to be ruled by un-elected thugs, and in retaliation Kiev bombed their regional airport into the ground.

And literally no western outlet batted an eyelash, because the new government had essentially been installed by us.

So yeah, I'm no fan of Russia, but I can understand Russia's unease and fear of being invaded for the 100th time in their country's history when we're toppling governments on their doorstep.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. The US can't go into a direct hot war because, aside from it triggering WWIII, we need the US-loyal Ukrainian regime to look organic. If we rush in and fight Russia for them, then it becomes obvious they're just another puppet state. So we just dump as much money and guns on them as possible and hope the Ukranians we've paid off look menacing enough to scare away Russia.