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[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

No. You were asked two questions.

I asked you why you would possibly think that Biden has any desire to buck the political trend of screwing over the 99%.

I also asked you to prove your claim that Biden is 'already going better' than Trump.

A: because Biden's team have already developed substantial improvements

Name them.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Are you ordering me?

The answer is the same for both questions (because Biden's team have already developed substantial improvements).

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Are you ordering me?

You made unsupported claims with no evidence. It is no sign of good faith when you refuse to answer direct questions.

The answer is the same for both questions (because Biden's team have already developed substantial improvements).

Then name them! What 'improvements' are you referring to?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The first six of those executive orders deal with the coronavirus. Thats is nothing remarkable. Trump also passed executive orders to deal with the coronavirus, so Biden earns no points there. Its basically more of the same measures that were implemented in 2020.

The next EO is food stamps and 'stimulus cheques' for those who are unemployed due to the outrageously protracted lockdowns. The next EO is for 15$ minimum wage, which will ultimately do more harm than good. The next EO is removing the ban on transvestites serving in the military, which will also cause lots of problems. The next EO merely reinstates the coronavirus restrictions pertaining to international visitors to the U.S. The final EO is ultimately meaningless 'Buy American' sloganeering.

So in summary, most of these executive orders are just window dressing. In no way to they represent a 'substantial improvement' over what Trump has done. You have either not examined the situation closely, or are suffering from confirmation bias (I.E., seeing what you want to see).

The other problem is that this CNN chart is deliberately omitting some of the EOs issued by Biden. Specifically, the EO where he killed the Keystone XL pipeline and 11,000 jobs. Biden loses many points for that decision.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

1) Trump caused numerous problems that worsened the impact of COVID19 in the US. He has blood on his hands, so to speak. Biden is at least bringing much needed scientific attention to the problem. (Trump was anti-science....)

2) Yes, help those at the poverty level cope with COVID19

3) Studies show that $15 minimum wage and any other form of sharing the business with staff helps the business in a number of ways. It's a win win.

4) There's no need to ban uintersex or trans. people from the military, and more diversity should help.

5) COVID19 restrictions on visitors were not properly enforced previously, and now they will be.

6) Yes, Buy American. Good.

7) To arrange these EOs on the first day in office is itself substantial. A number of the EOs are extremely important 180 degree turns from Twittler policy. $15 minimum wage is very important, for example. Have you tried to live on less than this? Even $15 is not that much in major cities.

8) Re. confirmation bias: I'm more of a Bernie supporter than a Biden/Harris supporter, by a wide margin. The words, "substantial improvement" in my comments do not identify me at a Biden supporter. He's not likely to do anything as radical as Bernie would have done, and which the US needs, but I hope Biden will try to develop a New Deal.

9) Good point about CNN not mentioning Keystone XL. But CNN is covering this topic:

This hit a number of politicians with stock losses. The pipeline would also - as has been proven with other pipelines - be an environmental disaster. We don't need Big Oil, and should continue to create additional problems with it. The 11,000 jobs rumor is a lie, perpetuated on social media. The ~2000 potential jobs will be available in green energy construction and industry.

[–]TheJamesRocket 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1) What specific actions did Trump take that worsened the impact of the coronavirus?

2) ''If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.'' Its the same idea here. In the U.S., nearly 12 million people are behind on their rent payments, some of them by several months. The only reason they aren't homeless is because of the temporary halt in residential evictions. Once the deadline for that expires, nearly 12 million people will be thrown out onto the streets.

The stimulus cheques do nothing more than allow these desperate people to make a single payment on their rent, which will only forestall their eviction by another month. This is NOT a proper solution, its merely delaying the inevitable. If Biden wanted to really help out the American people, then he would end the lockdowns and allow them to go back to work! Government handouts are not the answer.

3) Do you know what the current minimum wage in America is? Its $7.25. Increasing the minimum wage to $15 is far too great an increase, especially since it isn't being done in a graduated manner. Companys will suddenly have to pay their employees over twice as much when the law comes into effect. Small companys will not be able to pay this doubled wage, and will be forced to lay off employees. Large companys will invest more in automation, so that they are able to do business with fewer employees.

15$ minimum wage sounds good in theory, but is bad in practise. If it was implemented at all, then it should have been done in a graduated manner like it was in Canada. This change will simply result in more workers losing their jobs, because companys are unable to afford paying their wages. It will also lead to a rise in the cost of living in the U.S.

4) Thats complete nonsense. You obviously don't know anything about military science. 'Diversity' is actually counter-productive to the effectiveness of a military. Units depend on the primary group for their cohesion. According to authors like William Henderson, the soldiers in a unit must have a common race, religion, language, and culture in order to achieve high cohesion. Allowing transvestites into the military will cause many problems. This is an obnoxious political fad that has intruded into domains where it is not welcome.

5) If you say.

6) Again, sloganeering.

7) No. Bidens executive orders are not a substantial turnaround, and they do not help the American people in any meaningful way.

8) You are a far leftist, and it shows in your comments. You have a very slanted perspective of what Biden is doing for the country.

9) Who says the Keystone XL pipeline would be an environmental disaster? What makes you believe that 11,000 jobs were not lost?