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[–]flugegeheimen 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

logical ability

Don't use words you know nothing about.

Like you cannot take an example of a woman rule

Yes, I can. This is how logic works. When you are screeching that "women have always been marginalized and oppressed" I only need one (1) example to prove you wrong. You should also shove your "sexism doesn't exist" strawman back to your ass you pulled it from.

There is no redefinition of words.. Sexism isn't about individual cases.

"There is no redefinition of words. I redefine sexism as .." Nothing in sexism definition says that it isn't about individual cases. You are redefining words as a typical feminist moron has a habit to do.

And again

And again, don't repeat your bullshit that was already addressed if you have no new arguments. It won't suddenly stop being bullshit if you screech it over and over long enough.