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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

You forget that billionaires backed him in his bid to run for presidency and an electoral college voted him in. Its almost like you can't see that the world is controlled by a deep state and the elites lead you to what you should think and see. lol

Username mismatch!

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

billionaires backed him

Every. Politician. Has money backing them.

You can't run for president and expect to win without a few mill at the ready. The more money, the better your odds, but that doesn't guarantee a win.

deep state and the elites lead you to what you should think and see.

How many people do you know, over the age of 35, who actively check the sources of things they read online?

How many people do you know who believe in ghosts and superstitions?

I can see the puppet strings just fine, thank you, but our disagreement comes from the number of masters controlling it all. I do not believe one council can possibly control all of this chaos. That's just insane. Technology isn't there yet. We are getting dangerously close.

Major corporations (several of them) are all in bed with each other. That's a fact if you delve into the board members and who they're friends with. I can prove enough to be suspicious.

The democrats and republicans working together to control the U.S. government? On some issues, yes. It's obvious to see, but they're not unified enough for a takeover. Virginia is proof enough that the two parties still have enough disagreements to prevent a full merger of both sides for maximum control. I can't see behind the curtain. I'm just aware of the screaming happening behind it and it sounds like they're not united (yet.)

Do I believe in a group controlling all countries? No. I fail to see enough movement of resources. Optimally, if the planet agreed, it wouldn't be that hard to turn one country into a trash heap to benefit everybody else (including themselves.)

As for my username, I believe the ability to speak unhindered, uncensored, and without fear is the last way for any formal Anarchist basis to exist. I do not believe anarchy could ever exist in a physical sense, only verbal. A pessimistic view, maybe, but that's what I believe.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I do not believe anarchy could ever exist in a physical sense, only verbal. A pessimistic view, maybe, but that's what I believe.

That is where you and I disagree :P

But the path to make that into a reality, involves unraveling some basic historical mistakes. That might just be in the works now.. who knoes?

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The closest anarchy could achieve into the physical would have to be the virtual. A place where people could touch, smell, hear, with all the sensations in between without ever asking permission to use ones self. SAO isn't happening for 100 years, but tactile suits aren't far away from a possibility. Virtual smells can be achieved through technology (stupid anti-vape laws delayed it, but the technology exists.) Force-feedback for hands exist. They're just too expensive for the average consumer right now ($5k per glove.)

So long as somebody can force their will onto you true anarchy cannot exist. Through virtual interfaces we have complete and absolute control over ourselves and our homes. No rape, no murder, no theft. These things cannot be removed from physical society in the real world. They can virtually.

When prices drop to something reasonable in the next 20 years expect governments to crack down. They won't want this utopia outside their control. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make advanced virtual interfaces illegal in 2040 to maintain control over us.

When people start to experience these worlds, start making new friends, and get a taste of a stress-free environment: People will hate the bullshit laws the government has been enforcing for millennia. I don't fear cops. I don't fear cops shooting me. Getting arrested doesn't scare me. The bullshit legal fees do. That is what scares the law abiding citizen. From medical bills, to taxes, to all the economic problems that really don't need to exist, and only exist to keep the poor drowning in filth.

Imagine what would happen when the poor middle class barely making ends meet can wake up everyday in a gold plated palace for a one time purchasing price. There won't be a bunch of people buying useless shit because they'll be getting all for free. Sure, you could buy the latest virtual game, but how many people Torrent stuff already? Now imagine people were torrenting everything.

Economies with either be forced to restructure, collapse, or governments will outright ban these happy machines.

To some people this is a distopian nightmare. To me, it seems the rich bought the world, and they'll finally be powerless to stop the lower classes from demanding respect.

I can accept the current dumpster fire because I know it will eventually burn itself out.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

So long as somebody can force their will onto you true anarchy cannot exist. Through virtual interfaces we have complete and absolute control over ourselves and our homes.

I think your response is a little misguided. Information generation and experience generation is the first thing that the state would adopt before it can hit the market appropriately. The first thing they would do is delimit the ability to experience sensations and constrain biology even further, this believe it or not; is already in the works right now along some corners of the authoritarian internet as well as physical society. On top of all this, the physics pertaining to virtual reality are not clear cut or conducive due to negative side effects from EMF fields that can impair glandular mechanisms.

There is still a lot of groundwork to be established before any of this could become reality but the virtual can't be the only "escape". That would be a divided reality, not unified.

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The first thing they would do is delimit the ability to experience sensations

People have a tendency to improve things beyond their control. I could make a nuke in my garage if you gave me the right materials. The only thing stopping the average terrorist is the lack of restricted materials. As soon as someone figures out to it I have a hard time believing word won't get out. U.S. had nuke plans stolen by the soviets. With a team of trusted security they couldn't keep it locked away for very long.

That would be a divided reality, not unified.

The rich own the physical and have the guns to protect it. They can have it. True unity will come for those of us in the machine, while the "rich" can continue to fight over shiny rocks.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I could make a nuke in my garage if you gave me the right materials. The only thing stopping the average terrorist is the lack of restricted materials.

These arguments lack practicality though. You can't smoke some herb of your choice without a license, you can't purchase raw milk without proof that you are a farmer wanting to feed younger animals, you can't collect rain water for yourself unless you have valid reasons. Building a nuke, as cool as it sounds can't be the first thing on the list.

The rich own the physical and have the guns to protect it. They can have it. True unity will come for those of us in the machine, while the "rich" can continue to fight over shiny rocks.

They can also go fuck themselves and burn in hell. The physical doesn't belong to them- ever, no matter their dumb justifications and I'm not united in this machine :P

Edit: Hive minds can do whatever they like, but in the end; they will fall together because they were doomed from the very beginning.

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

These arguments lack practicality though.

Extreme examples provoke extreme emotions. A little overkill, the core concept remains the same: Restricting access to items, through paperwork or outright banning, is a method governments have always used to maintain control. North Korea still managed to make a nuke and my next door neighbor still managed to grow pot. The laws slow people down. They're never 100% successful. When it comes to world spanning implications, Advance VR is the Nuke in terms of complexity and danger posed to governments around the world. It only takes one person to figure out an improvement and release it to the public. 3D printed guns have reached over 100 rounds. A major improvement over the single shot hand grenades people once feared to test. Improvements continue to this day from individuals around the world occasionally posting better designs. I believe VR will be similar, if only slower in advancement cycles.

They can also go fuck themselves


and burn in hell.

They bought hell too./s

The physical doesn't belong to them

Native Americans thought the same thing. "You can't buy land. You gonna buy a cloud next?"

Narrator: They indeed bought the cloud next.

At the end of the day, stuff belongs to those strong enough to take it. Make every's strength equal (like in a virtual machine) and nobody can take without permission.

no matter their dumb justifications

Guns. Lots of lots of guns. All the justifications they need.

I'm not united in this machine :P

Okay Morpheus. Continue the good fight. I'm gonna enjoy the steak I ordered and hope for the best.

Edit: What?

Hive minds

I was talking more like Ready Player One. lol

Elon's fancy brain interface will be made illegal as soon it poses a threat. If it ever works to begin with.