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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Since one of the biggest threats to the elites NWO are strong, white men, the 1% are using their control of the media and the government to kill them off with their plan to:

Poorly educate students.

Allow millions of 3rd world illegal aliens and refugees to flood the country to divide the population and lower wages.

Export jobs.

Make everything illegal.

Encourage debt use.

Glorify wars and minimize reporting of costs and casualties.

Ridicule religion.

Celebrate homosexuality and immorality.

Encourage obesity and laziness with welfare.

Punish hard work with taxes and regulations.

Break up families and penalize men with alimony and easy divorce laws.

Insult white men in movies and TV shows while praising minorities and females.

Distract the population with bread and circuses.

Give tax-breaks to employers of minorities and women

Erase history and emphasize achievements of minorities and women while minimizing accomplishments of white men.

Brainwash the population with political correctness and employee sensitivity training.

Audit, arrest, censor, kill, and deny web-hosting and payment services to truth-tellers.

Pay Ivy League professors well to write studies that are the opposite of scientific and economic history.