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[–]cunninglingus[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

There's now a geo-locating video on Reddit that also offers a better image of a rocket that was shot down. IDF note that this rocket still had much of its fuel. Looks like a Hamas rocket to me, IF all that is true. NONETHELESS, Hamas would not exist if Israel did not murder, displace, and seriously abuse Palestinians over the past few decades. In that sense, Hamas is a result of Israeli terrorism. I think Israel obviously has a right to defend itself, but we know they have this habit of carpet-bombing and displacing Palestinians after every attack of any sort (some of which potential false flags). I remember when the PLO was the voice of Palestine, and there were peace talks. Israel stopped talking to the PLO and started talking to Hamas. If a Hamas rocket hit the hospital (Israel has changed its story on what exactly happened several times, but is now stiking with the Hamas missile story), it was a rocket that was in response to and the result of Israel's continued genocide.

[–]jet199 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hamas would not exist if Israel did not murder, displace, and seriously abuse Palestinians over the past few decades

This is plain bullshit and you know it. Islamists exist and kill people across the middle east especially religious minorities. Please stick to reality and not your fantasy world.

Keep repeating carpet bombing like you know what that means, military expert.

Also you seem to conveniently forget that Gaza was owned by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan until the 1990s so they were ruled by them that whole time and not Israel. But those countries aren't attacked or monstered in the same way.

You also know full well that Hamas is currently firing rockets as a continuation of it's attack where it raped and murdered innocent people, nothing to do with self defence. They know those rockets aren't going to stop Israel, it's about instilling fear in the population.