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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

> systematic fleecing of the people

Good title for something. That's all the system does.

Thanks for the rec.

how the ruling class doesn't really see us as human.

Maybe. I think they just don't care.

Even from their side you could argue that the status quo just exemplifies Human Nature. Most folks are good and some aren't, most folks are average and some aren't, most folks have little or no power and some have more and always used it to accumulate even more.

As you said, the system is designed to exploit. Think of the children working in Bangladesh making all our T-shirts. Most will never have any education, wealth, power, nor "amount to anything". You don't need to think of them as less-than-human or animals or anything like that. Regardless of any compassion the ruling class may or may not have, they are still just people, but are stuck in their lives - as socially engineered by the ruling class over decades and centuries. To change their lot in life would require massive drastic reforms, all very expensive, as well as a new paradigm with solutions to produce T-shirts fairly. You can't just do that without overhauling the entire system and applying it to more than just the T-shirt industry. That requires an entirely larger, more extreme overhaul and much more expense.

There really is no solution - other than the gradual awakening resistance with resilient flexible alternatives and solutions.

pedophiles, psychopaths and satanists.

Criminal exploiters gonnna criminally exploit, even if they dress it up in fancy rituals to justify it to themselves.

They've literally programmed us to offer ourselves up for a lifetime of milking.

Not just that. Every generation has these manufactured wars designed to traumatize and cull the herd.

Love the cow story. There are more of us freedom-seekers than just one rare example though.