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[–]FlippyKing 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The woman points out there is no more freedom. It is worth thinking about that fact, and for those who want to pretend that is an overstatement, then at least you have to admit there is so much less freedom regardless of how you justify your acceptance of the restrictions you place on your self in compliance of their decrees.

When the Berlin Wall fell, and people no longer risked being shot in the back as they ran west towards freedom from the Stasi and the East German puppet government of the "soviets", we thought we were entering a new era of freedom. How short lived it was, in hind sight. We did not really value it. We maybe did not understand freedom. There are differences between "rights", "licence" to do things, and freedom. We can pretend we understand them in some fuzzy way. Some might jump in and say "I know what this means. it's this ...." and then once you start to pull at the threads they just weaved together the whole thing falls apart whether they admit it or not.

But, we created bigger monsters by drugging ourselves every chance we got, every time we felt a twinge of pain, behind meaningless and perhaps even duplicitous mantras like "well, at least you got your health" as if that was something you could drug your way into. We as a species are so deficient in Vitamin D and all the other needs we get by being in the sun that we are just sickly as a species (not everyone, but too too many).

We've given ourselves over slowly but steadily. For decades the people who saw their children injured by vaccines have been mocked mercilessly and cruelly. We thought nothing of it, even if we thought it was not cool to do that to someone who suffered. It was analogous to when in the 60 or 70s when people who did not make racist jokes didn't do anything or say anything when others did. The same instinct was in play is what I am saying. But that has been weaponized against us and now every institution is part of a fake-health drug-induced medical dictatorship that even Plato warned against. It is not about health. It is not for your own good. It is not for your protection, I think is how the Nazi's said it. It is not for a greater good but a greater if not greatest evil. It is for their power and for our powerlessness.

We went from Jesus Jones singing "Right her right now" to ... this hell on earth because of fear-- more of Trudeau and ... Biden of all people, Newsome? (HA!), Macron, Boris (how in the fuck ... that guy? he doesn't even comb ...) than of a stupid possibly fake (no really, possibly fake. certainly not the massive killer we've been told it was) virus that FUCKING SUNLIGHT would cure. (OK, more than just sunlight, but there is a special place in hell for those people who tricked people into slathering sun screen on themselves at the beach in spite of the chances to say "can I help put some of that on your back (and really, side-boob but we won't say that part aloud)". )

Very soon, no one in civilization will know what it was like before 9/11, or before covid. You see it as life times, but they turn out to be very very short.

[–]donk 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am gonna have sex with a kangarroo.

Should I wear a mask?