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Occasionally I add a parenthetical statement noting - 'and some Democrats'. I am not a fan of NeoLiberalism which is what I think caused the Democrats to fail during much of the Obama administration, and caused Obama not to fight for traditionally Democrat causes in the last 6 years. I was annoyed with Carter's micromanaging. Clinton's bargains with the GOP deregulated Wallstreeet, killed much of the welfare system (some of which had to go), created a for-profit prison industry that has been a disaster, for the most part, and helped develop radical Islamists in the M.E., ruined the M.E. peace process, supported the exponential growth of the lobbying industry in DC and money in politics, and other serious problems that would get Bush Jr elected and develop radical Republicanism.

In any event, my responses to Republican disinformation and misinformation often criticises the Republicans because I am referring to the source of the disinformation and misinformation. I could start criticism like this with, "I know some of the Democrats are complicit in this, but...."