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[–]libertypatriot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Who would want to be born in this world?

Freedom is lost forever. Tomorrow will be worse.

The border and churches are now closed permanently.

You are under house arrest.

There are curfews and checkpoints.

You must give your fingerprints to the governmrnt.

You are being wiretapped 24/7.

There is no rule of law.

The elites control everything.

The brainwashing and propaganda is constant everywhere in ads, schools, work, the media, movies, and TV.

Americans are being divided while having their indivdualism crushed.

Soon Americans will be wearing Mao suits and giving Nazi salutes.

Books will be burned.

Loudspeakers will be set up on street corners.

You will need to give your DNA to the government.

You can be arrested at anytime and your life can be taken anytime by the state.

Property will be nationalized.

There will be re-education camps, gulags, summary executions, death squads, torture, show trials, and killing fields.

History will be erased. The US flag and national anthem will be changed. Statues will be torn down. The USA will be renamed.

The Internet will be shut off.

Guns will be banned.

Cash will be banned.

There will be mandatory vaccines and microchip implants.

There will be starvation.

Millions will die.

Evasion, escape, and lying will be your new way of life.