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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Obviously most people don't agree with the insane clown pussy hat fools. That's a distraction. The wars have all ramped up but few notice. No one had bothered to notice that there is no more antiwar movement and even in a fucking pandemic (allegedly) they won't even bring medicare to everyone - even if temporarily. And then there's the homeless situation that is insane. 10 million got kicked out August 1st. Worse there's no effort at all to make any progress on these - in fact the opposite. EVERYTHING the left and the right are doing is profoundly terrible.

The media pretends to be "left" on the hypocritical bullshit infuriating crap while everything else is actually sliding right and up to totalitarianism - the real goal. Never towards liberty. Scientism from the left and right is a dogma of blind faith in corrupt science "experts" and authority.