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[–]SubliminalCriminal 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the flip side of the coin regarding a man like this heroin addict is that he will one day be touched with a motivation to take on another path and he will become a teacher or counselor that carries much knowledge. Including my life, i have seen many people that can one day walk on the dark side and then in a blink they are dancing in the light with the angels.

one day i will tell you about my friend ernie, he is a cross dressing cartel assassin, he killed his own father.. Ernie told me that when he was a little boy in school that he would beat up every boy in his school.. if they would even look at me, i would go up and "pop em", he told me.. and then one day the cartel men came and brought me bicycles and wads of cash, and then they took me and tautght me to be a killer, said my friend ernie..

How did your father react to your choosing this life, mr ernie, i asked him...

oh, he came 'round to see our way of doing things, ernie chuckled.

translation: daddy got 'is head chopped off by 'is son.

one day, ernie told me that we have some much money mr edward that you just wouldnt believe it.. we have every thing that money can buy.. things dont excite us any more, mr edward, he said.. there is only one thing that makes us happy now, mr edward... oh, what is that, mr ernie, what is that thing that makes you happy now?

to see you suffer, said ernie, that makes us happy.

ernie told me that some people tell him that he is satan himself, he said while grinning..

ernie is my friend and he loves me like i am his brother, i am confident of this..

i know that ernie loves me, because i am still breathing..

the end.