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[–]Jesus[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's not ridiculous, if you understand presciene in a media driven theatrical world. Look at 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks. The Zionist controlled media was hinting for months before the events the likely attack of muslim terrorists with hijacked planes as well as the use of biological weapons such as anthrax. It wasn't well known then, espeically the future Anthrax attacks, but the Zionist controlled media, mostly journalists with Zionist, neoconservtive and Israeli government links spread fear propaganda and let you know it was to arrive shortly.They already had their double perpatrator narrative scripted ; Iraq, Al Qaeda and the Palestinians, i.e, a state and their actors, which were to be blamed. They were in the know and knew the events which were to transpire.

This narrative is NO DIFFERENT. They understand that the new boogyman is white nationalism and everything anti-status quo lumped in with it. They know that psyops and false flags will be conducted very soon, as they aid in their dissemination. Some of these Zionist journalists might even know the dates of when these events will be played out.

Read: Graham McQueen's book: 2001 The Anthrax Deception to get a better understanding of how the media was integrated with the neocons and think tanks. And how they knew well in advance the neoconservative orchestrated events that would transpire.