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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's becoming huge again, so to say. Shoot the messenger instead of listening to the message.

That is why corporate-run propaganda-platforms are thriving. The younger generation is born into a world where self-image is quite dependent on their accounts on these. They just adapted. They just don't know the world of the 1990ies, and they certainly can't remember it.

Nowadays, everyone with a "smart"phone believes him/her-self to be a queen or king of something. Even when it's in fact only just another instawhore-thot or mobile-game-"lord". (Or a bot.)

In my older days, I even invested the effort of combing people's references. But this has become rather pointless.

People showing off on corporate-run platforms are self-disabling wage-slaves for most parts anyway, and when I sense some actual merits behind some messages:

These people are hiding mostly, keeping themselves as "invisible" as possible. For the same reasons, I am.

And after a while, you get to meet some of them anyway on an annual basis. Here, e.g.