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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is one of my favorite conspiracies.

I don’t believe it. But with all the programming, I suppose it may be true.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is one of my favorite conspiracies

Mine too, tbh. There are a lot of officials on record from all sides discussing it openly and they share the same perspective and reveal almost the same knowledge and hints.

Admiral Byrd's diary, New Swabia & Operation Highjump/Deep Freeze (and all the others that followed), as well as the beginning of mass UFO sightings starting during WW2 (the peak was towards the end of the war - us navy nick named them "foo fighters", there was Roswell and also the filmed display of them flying to and hovering over the white house in the 50s - so it's not a "conspiracy", many people in the military and government were experiencing and seeing these things, and had correlating stories regardless of personal allegiances/belonging to certain countries).

There's a lot of classified leaked or released documents as well to back it all up further as if this needs backing up after watching the video or spending an hour on the topic.

Honestly, nothing would surprise me about reality at this point; I realize I know nothing about it, despite trying to get a grasp. It was very convenient how when people on the internet started to look into the Thule Society & Agartha again (esp the Chan's), "Flat Earth" came out of no where with such a force, and the media covered every bit of it, making it look like those who questioned our reality are stupid.

But there are literally leaked classified documents from both sides, discussing the "true nature" of an aspect of our earth, and it's not flat, it's still round; this is a confirmed official ss new Swabia document for u-boat operators, it was leaked by a Russian radio/tv personality. If you check my profile, I made a post about it and went into more detail there.

The Russian, German and us governments all have leaked classified documents on this or death bed confessions about this, literally all three of them, from US Admiral Byrd to German SS & secret society member Wilhem Landig.

That's what makes this so interesting - there's so much backing it from information & documents from official and highly respected "war hero's" who were entrusted with secret ops, to official government documentation of events and operations. Thinking about it, it's more than possible. At the end of the day, the earth having a sold series of layers & a molten core is still only a theory that's been expounded on and taught as the objective truth when we can't even test that - it's never been physically proven. It would make sense if there are only certain areas with access, and the poles are notorious for strange, physics defying behavior.

In fact even today, the furthest we’ve drilled into the Earth is around 12km, while the distance to the centre is over 500 times further, at 6,370km.

So how do we know what lies beneath? Figuring out what’s at the heart of our planet has been a magnificent scientific puzzle.

They've basically piled theory on top of theory, based math & other aspects on theory that's been built from & over the OG theory, and teach it to us as the truth. It's as much of a theory as hollow earth is - however there are official government documents from around the world documenting it, keeping it secret from the public due to "panic", and a lot of money was spent exploring it. If you read that article, it's a lot of blah blah blah.

There was a time where land existing in the West was considered a fever dream until multiple brave souls came to the America's for themselves.

At the end of the day, it seems you need some power or a hit of heavy-clout-filled nepotism to set foot near the poles without military intervention of some kind.. why?