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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

THIS. I wish more people would follow the trail of financial corruption. Many on The Hill and those who knew those on the Hill knew there would be an attack, insured against it, bet on it (at Wallstreet), some of thom were blackmailed to shut up about it, some were also killed. The one who knows everything about it is Dick Cheney, who made millions in Blackwater and Halliburton stock, and contractors made 140 billion+, and there were additional missing trillions. And now, Kyrsten Sinema receives money from DeVos/Prince/Blackwater specifically to vote against Dems. Since the time of the Reagan Admin, the options to buy politicians have increased ten fold, as have the financial benefits of those bribes, all at the expense of the 99%.

[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They knew it because they knew the people who rigged the towers with PETN and detcord in the run-up. I have a short write-up on the Hollywood, Fl and Montreal Jewish mafia families that dorectly profited off of 9/11 with put options, nobody seems to care though. I have a book where one of the persons, a gentrification architect—snobby, little snot nosed pompous loser—boasts about his knowledge of demolitions in his The history of NY demolitions book. Curiously, he writes that the WTC collapse was a "demolition." He was situated with art crew for LMCC in the upper levels of the WTC north tower in 2000 for several weeks.

They killed 3000 innocent people and got away with it for financial but more importantly geopolitical reasons.