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[–]Bigs 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That's the other thing that makes Carotta's book so powerful. When you look for the hard evidence of Jesus as an actual person..? There's absolutely nothing.

I don't mean 'not much' or the evidence is a bit weak, but NOTHING. Sure there are some obvious forgeries but no, he just doesn't appear in any of the places he absolutely should have done. When you have that much absence of evidence it becomes evidence of absence - because you simply cannot say some guy was famous for this and that, did so and so magic for some crowd, raised an army of believers and so on, without anybody mentioning it until 50 years later?

Penguins are in favor of penguins and biblical scholars are in favor of Jesus existing, while normal historians are in favor of keeping their jobs. But where's the damn evidence?

It was while looking into that I came across Carottas work. It's worth the read.

[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

check .. directly addresses this.

but they have info about where it DID come from, some guy was saying those things, it was talked about, we have records of, it was absolutely (probably) stolen from this guy.

i say we pay attention to abraham-hicks -- talks about power of attraction -- what you think/how you are/what you are .. is what you attract to yourself... you are a magnet .. the power to change the world is in us, but we must change ourselves without regard for outside proof.. we be the proof.. we demonstrate .. we create ..

i think our time is better spent creating than trying to resurrect dead shit, now we know... there is nothing we need to know, all is here and now. peace bro

i'm using freeBSD, you should too .. lol