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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Politics is absolutely useless when the general population is depraved scum as it is now.

Not true.

I give credit to the Left for understanding how to implement change. They focused on education and turned universities into essentially churches of Satan.

I see - this is the conversation you want to have. Universities were founded by clerics and humanist (moral) goals. Much of that continues.

In other words, the Left changed values at a fundamental level and this is how they won.

Definitely not that simple.

Because the Right fails to understand this, they will lose.

No - right-wing influencers are sophisticated and will help win additional elections (though with disinformation)

Decent people should mostly forget politics and focus on supporting a good religious community.

Yes - that's it - people in good religious communities should not bother to vote. But these religious communities are highly political, and they were the reason Trump was able to get electoral college votes 4 years ago. (It's our responsibility to vote in every election.)