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[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


  • Hitler’s role was to root out opposition to International Jewry in Europe and lead it to destruction… The powerful Allies handed Hitler early successes in order to give Hitler prestige among the Germans so that they would happily march into the WW2 slaughterhouse under his leadership… To kill the Germans wholesale they had to be united first under the Fuhrer.

Apart from there being no evidence to support this horrible hypothesis, this opinion itself is nonsensical. If the deliverance of Germany into the hands of Jewish World Government was truly Hitler’s goal, then all he had to do was allow the failed Weimar Republic to continue imploding. Had Germany fallen to Bolshevism in the early 1930’s, which it certainly would have were it not for Hitler’s dynamic leadership, it would have been “game over” for all of Europe; no opposition to International Jewry.

Zionists didn’t need a World War to scare Jews into Palestine, the Communist International, their proxy, could have easily been used to drum up “false flags” to threaten European Jews to return back to their desert “homeland”. Uncontrolled Arab immigration and terrorism brought into Europe, for instance, would have done the trick quite well.

No early successes were “handed over” to Hitler. Every economic, social, political and military conflict he faced was courageously countered. Hitler’s rise to chancellor, the Austrian “Anschluss”, the return of Sudetenland after the Munich Conference, the success of the German Sudetenland, the blitzkrieg into Western Europe, etc. were all well documented examples of his will & determination to succeed, however, you won’t easily come across this documentation since it has been suppressed.

  • Germany was destined to fail. There was no way Germany could win World War 2. For this reason Hitler wanted to lose the war. On the contrary, the war was potentially winnable for Germany, like it was for Germany in the 1st World War. Many Europeans believed that Germany (Axis Powers) would win.

Before the World War 2 started, both America & England had strong anti-war factions; many of its people were still reeling from the horrible aftermath of World War 1, which sent many soldiers home in body bags.

Once the war started, it wasn’t a guarantee that America would enter the conflict, although there was no doubt that International Jewry was pushing for it. If it wasn’t for Germany being sabotaged from the inside, to the betrayal of elements within the German aristocracy and their potential role in assisting the British in cracking the “Enigma Code”, plus Italy’s opportunistic adventures, attacking Greece and stirring up conflict in North Africa, Germany could have knocked out Russia in 1941 before the unpredictable harsh winter storm came.

  • The European Union is a “Nazi invention”.

The European Union is invention of International Jewry & Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, the actual father of the European Union, a puppet (shabbos goy) of the Jewish bankers, Rothschild, Warburg and Baruch. Kalergi admitted in his autobiography that he was funded by these Jews.

SS Reichofficer, Dieter Schwarz, exposed Jewish Freemasonry in 1938. He written a pamphlet revealing Kalergi’s plan to genocide Europeans, destroy the races and make Jews the rulers over the entire world. This plot was openly endorsed by Kalergi’s fellow Jewish Freemasons.

Hitler and National Socialist Germany actually had successful plans to increase the German birthrate to combat the Kalergi Plan.

What was the Zionist/Masonic master plan? The merger of Communism with Capitalism into a singular supra-governmental body (UN/EU) Harry Dexter White and Henry Morgenthau, advisors of Roosevelt, established the World Bank and IMF at the 1944 Brettonwoods Conference The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, as predicated by 33rd degree Freemason Coudenhove Kalergi. The SS identified the "Pan-European" idea (European Union) to be a sinister project set up by Freemasons and Jewish finance.

Adolf Hitler himself referred to Kalergi in the following explicit terms: "Rootless, cosmopolitan bastard" "Biggest bastard in the world" Kalergi had to flee Austria for England, he was placed on the Gestapo arrest list "Sonderfahndungsliste G.B."