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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The censorship that bothered me was my lame-joke comment being removed on the While Owl cigars.

If that happened and I did that, that was an accident. Seriously, I hope you know I would never censor your opinion, let alone a joke. I apologize - why would I censor your joke, and you were the one iirc who found out why the sub was named what it was. The only thing the sub called for was being polite when engaging in debate, and you're polite lol. The only thing I do remember was when you were made mod, you started changing/adding a lot to the side-bar and I changed some back and wanted to talk to you about that, but that was during the beginning of all of this (I had messaged you saying I wanted to talk to you when I wasn't as busy and never did, because life got complicated rly fast, that's my fault, I'm sorry).

And yeah, It would've been really cool if users could invite other users - I assumed so too, but it wasn't possible. The idea behind it wasn't to make it an "elite club" or "elite group", but a section of SaidIt that can't be infiltrated. I may have told you b4, but that Sub stemmed from a conversation Magnora and I had both publicly and then in private. I was curious to see what would happen if I invited members I knew were good from my personal observations/interactions despite me not necessarily agreeing with them or their views, along with the other mods doing the same since members couldn't invite other members (and during this time, Magz was looking for a solution to the "Reddit Refugees" coming and not adapting SaidIt's culture and trying to enforce their culture here). I was curious if we'd see a difference between our user-base's behavior & the rest of SaidIt in 6 months to a year, if the WOSC was still active. Regardless, in the event of SaidIt being overrun and infiltrated, that sub would always exist for people to return to and discuss the situation. Having a back-up spot was kinda instilled in me by IP2 lol.

And dude I miss gardening so much, you have no fucking idea. I always thought it looked boring and only gave it a shot last year. My apt doesn't get enough Sun. Are you going to be putting up those cat climber shelf things? I was thinking of doing that too when I first came to my apt if a cat tree didn't work - they seem like a lot of work (but maybe I'm lazy lmao). I put a cat tree right next to the window where my cat could watch cars and a tree filled with birds, and she's good lmao.

Edit: And I know you wanna catch-up on the WOSC later, but check out this thread: