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[–]Jesus[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The prophecy calls for the destruction of EDOM. I'm sure your familiar with the population predictions for 2025.

The only string of events or one sole event that could possibly cause this decrease in population is either a civil war, a nuclear holocaust, or both. I see a lot of predictive programing of nuclear bombs in the US, particularly revolving around Seattle in children's shows of all places. But that is not surprising because supremacist Jews had written, directed and produced over 90% of the shows that boasted about the destruction of the twin towers all throughout the 90's and even when the were originally built. Which goes to show, that 9/11 was planned a long time ago. If you want to get into the whole occult aspect of 9/11. Get ready:

Do you see it?

I don't trust the site, who owns it, I mean specifically, who owns it, who put out these numbers?

The balkanization is documented in the Agenda 21 planning.

Sure, yes. The entire agenda itself Balkenzies the US into strategic city states. I assumed the UN was against Israel but them signing unto the Noahide laws proves otherwise.

It would be great if they were planning on using nukes to accomplish this, and it turned out that nukes are also fake.

They're not fake, Fetzer the cognitive infiltration shill pushes this narrative. Again, Israelis would not have stolen nuclear triggers and material from NUMEC if nuclear bombs were fake.

The prophecy does suggest "they stumble", so it doesn't go completely according to plan.

Well, of course. There plans will eventually be done overtly. When the normies become aware of what is happening, I'm sure they'll get violent and fight back.

The Shining was written by Steven King, yet another Jew and adapted/directed by Kubrick, another Jew. The story is about an old hotel (The Overlook) haunted by the elite of yesteryear and their crime victims.

9/11/2001 events were orchestrated by occult Zionists all the way down.

Both Danny and Halloran (played by Scatman Crothers) had "the shining", the gift of seeing the future and the past (All-seeing?).

Eyes Wide Shut is another story of occult elites involved in (ritualistic) murder too, that was also done by Kubrick. But lets get to the gist of all of this.

The Shinng was written by Stanley Kubrick. 2001 a Space Odyessy and Back to the Future predict 9/11, not out of warning but out of boasting. Kubrick new the two pillars would be destroyed in 2001. There is an occult connection between the Millennium Hilton New York Downtown ; the United Nations ; the Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza Midtown East Hotel ; the September 11th, 1990, UN speech by George H. W. Bush, the opening up of the the Millennium Hilton in September of 1992, and the architech, Eli Attia (Israeli Jew) and proposer and developer, Peter Kalikow, a Russian Jew. Both of these persons are Jewish, and Zionists.The latter has direct connections to Jewish billionaire, Lauder, Trump, Spitzer and Netanyahu. Kalikow said recently:

"I’ve been friends with him [Trump] for over 40 years." "Wouldn’t that be cool if he became president?" 9/11 to 11/9

Peter Kalikow was developer (with Israeli-American architect Eli Attia) of the Millenium Hilton Hotel close to Ground Zero. The building intentionally has the same proportions as the monolith in Stanley Kubrick's movie '2001: A Space Odyssey'. Funny that! JPG JPG

The Mille(n)ium Hitlon Hotel in NYC, looks over ground zero where the towers were destroyed. Attia and Kalikow designed it so it had the exact symmetry of Kubricks 2001 a Space Odyssey's oblisk. Which simply represents the elites black film screen. A narrative of lies and deceit. When you touch the oblisk you have obtained knowledge that what you are told, what you hear are lies and what you see is the future.

There is a specific gematria reason why the Melenium Hotel is spelt with one 'n' and not two. Kalikow doesn't say, but when we use Jewish Gematria we obtain the number 9/11. Even the dimensions of the buildings in numerology equal 9/11. We also have the Hilton hotel in 2001 A Space Odyssey. I'll get into more of that some other time, cause I want to do a post about this in more depth.

Peter Kalikow is also friends with Ronald S. Lauder. Lauder is the president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). The chairman of the governing board of the WJC is David de Rothschild of France.

Lauder was a big backer of Netanyahu in the 90s. (Sheldon Adelson too.) Lauder is also the founder of the 'Lauder School of Government' at the IDC Herzliya which is also the home of the 'Institute for Counter-Terrorism' think thank, which hosts the Herzliya conference. (Also attended by Trump's new advisor James Woolsy, a neocon, Jew.

Lauder was also business partner in an Israeli television station with Arnon Milchan (9/11 perp) and Yossi Maiman, Israeli billionaire, former Mossad employee. Arnon Milchan is the famous Israeli-American movie producer. In 2013 he confirmed he was an an agent for Israeli intelligence since the 60s. Milchan is a friend and business partner of Rupert Murdoch.

On a sort of fringe note, Arnon Milchan, as someone connected to people connected to 9/11, was the producer of the movie movie 'The Medusa Touch' which features a scene of a plane flying into a high-rise building, Murdoch was also producer of the Lone Gunman and we all know what that film perfectly predicted.

Notice ISIS/Lady Liberty torch, randomly in the living room. The room is made to look like NYC. Why the upside down man? Why the twin towers? In a film, directed by a Jew, that has nothing to do with NY or the twin towers? Interestingly, just before the twin towers projection we see two pine trees, of course, we would, because that is a reference to the twin pines to one lone pine mall in the first movie. Symbolizing the destruction of the two pillars (The towers) into one lone tower. Also, if you turn the screen upside down in the upside down persons view, you see the twin towers falling or being destroyed. Also, Marty reaches the future on Oct 21th 2015, the director of this film, who has ties to Israel, 30 years later releases a film on Oct 21st 2015 concerning the World Trade Center Towers… hmmmm. It’s a game to these people.

And these are only a few of thousands of examples, there are more obvious ones.


I love them for they are Gods creation and pray they find Christ but I HATE THEIR SINS.