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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Happiness isn't the goal of life though. That would be like saying that dying is the goal of life, since to live is to suffer.

The goal of life is to attain a state where suffering becomes impossible while still alive. It might not be what you THINK life is about. And that's fine, everybody is allowed their delusions.

[–]Jesus[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The goal of life is God's grace whoch can only be obtained by helping those in need. Our society is based off consumerism; more and more things that we don't need at the expense of the impoverished that produce them.

And yes, I have a computer. Technology isn't bad, in the sense, we are all born into an environment. God finds us and if you listen and follow Yeshua's instructions,
He will show you the works that need to be done.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not at all. But it is fine that people who believe this do this, since it is the most beneficial outlook on life that primitive mind can hold. Religion is for primitives, and the caveman lives in pretty much every human on this planet. As such, it is understandable that religion would still have an elevated place in people's hearts and minds.

But the coming Übermensch will demonstrate that religion, even pure Christian values, aren't the be-all, end-all of goals. They are one step in a very long iterative process. Each step man is guided towards the light. Every few millennia, man becomes ready for the next step. And Initiates of the Cosmic Absolutes must come and offer their message, guiding the more advanced towards the next stage.

The next stage is the end of religion and the emergence of an actual SCIENCE (not scientism) as the guiding factor of man's evolutionary journey. It is a coming of age for the evolved, where obedience to commandments and recommendations gets replaced by a metaphysical inner science of connection with the Cosmic Absolute, affording the individual an actual UNDERSTANDING of what is needed at any given moment in time, and why, and how, and the implications and the perfection of this or that manifestation of Intelligence-Love-Will.

Using religious allegorical language, one might say this:

God's love for man is perfect. As such, he gives man not only ways to not commit sin, but the ability and means to eventually grow out of the mental states that make him easy to confuse and befuddle into sinful behavior. Giving only instructions to be followed more or less blindly would be putting a limit on the potential of man, created in his image. Is this absolute, perfect love? No. It is slavery: I create you to be easily fooled and not so great that you can fully understand me, therefore you will always be inferior and limited and need my guiding hand to achieve anything good. That isn't love, it's self-agrandizing pride.

God's perfect, absolute love is to create us in such a way that our potential is truly infinite ( IN HIS IMAGE! YOU ARE PERFECT! ) and as such, we are eventually capable of becoming his equal in many respects. That is the perfect love of God. He sent his son to guide us with new (at that time) wisdom and recommendations on how to migrate, spiritually, out of the dark, towards ever more light. But it does not end there. The journey is long and man comes from a spiritually indigent history. It must be taken in steps. Remember well the extreme backlash Christ received from people rooted in older religious "wisdoms". Man is fraught with memory and as such, change is always reacted to negatively. You seem to be doing the same. It is understandable.

God, in his perfect absolute love, has given humans fine minds. These minds are still much tainted with darkness, but with sufficient effort, they can be rid of it and acquire the SCIENCE of how to shun darkness and embrace the divine spark of His presence, gifted into each of us to grow and grow and grow. If only we will let it.

And the first thing this new science allows us to reveal is that ALL THOUGHT IS FROM DEMONIC ORIGIN. It's pretty much the only truth I will reveal about the process. Some few individuals will undertake it. And when the first few achieve the first milestone of this new science, the entire world will look on in wonder and say, "Ah yes! This is what we need". Until then, historically founded, obedience-based "goodness" will have to suffice for the vast majority who cannot yet see the next step.