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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

We don't hate them. We pity them and are disgusted by them, because they are subhuman parasites without whole human souls. That's a pretty sad state of affairs and makes it instantly obvious, to anyone absorbing this information, that no good whatsoever will ever emerge from these... ahem, let's be polite, these "people".

The Jew is like a turd on the sidewalk. You see a turd, do you HATE it? No. you are revolted, yes. You avoid it, yes. You don't step in it, and stay away from the disgusting smell. And you may, in a crowd, warn others behind you that there is a turd, so they don't step in it. What we are doing here is the same: simply telling other people how to avoid evil.

We're nice people, honest.