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[–]Zahn 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

As I've said, I've read it all before. And such a nice write up for why you seem to care. If you were as aware as you claim, you would know that if it wasn't one thing to make people scared, they would make another one...and spend money. Doesn't matter if something is real, what matters is if they can convince most people that it is....There's your clue to what actually matters in our manipulation.

Your efforts are useless and will change absolutely nothing. If you are not a shill, please for the love of all things good, pursue meaningful things that we can more likely change to have a positive impact. If you are a shill, then great job at hairsplitting science and wasting everyone's time filling everyone's heads with pointless noise.

Right now trending: help to make people aware of the Covid hysteria hoax, you are going no where pushing the Nuke topic. It doesn't matter, no more than if the earth is flat or whether there were prehistoric giant trees. Prioritize.