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[–]rman 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly I think the left vs right divide loses focus in that it tries to force a choice between two bad extremes - I often find myself lamenting the loss of libertarian values on both sides because every step each side takes it seems to lose one after another - there are issues on one side or another I can slightly identify with but the push to correct in each case always seems to lose focus on what being an American historically has been about - freedom. Freedom to be yourself, to do what you want as long as it doesn’t impede other’s freedoms, to be free from serfdom... it seems to me that the more time goes on both sides seem to want some version of “big daddy government please save me” and that can never be a good thing. I don’t think I’d find anyone who thinks the left doesn’t want this (unless they have deluded themselves completely) but I think that the right seems to think they don’t - though it I would argue it is apparent in their push to give gov more power (Military, police, regulations on personal freedoms) - and to let the big corporate threat run rampant by removing restrictions on their behaviors, bailing them out and treating them like people - but big business doesn’t sleep at night, doesn’t kiss their children to bed or long for anything but more money. We need a revolution of thought - we need a neolibertarianism... I grew up in the country and moved to the city as an adult and I cried last time I went to visit where I grew up - sucked dry by big businesses, basically a ghost town... the destruction of Main Street America is very real and is now reaching the cities with this shutdown - the future of corporate slavery is coming upon us and we are too busy smacking each other in the face armchair politicking about who “slammed” who on Twitter ... I’m saddened every day and have been trying to come up with ways to fight this. I think this site might be a good start - perhaps not, but the false dichotomy of left and right has left people like me without a banner, and based on earnest conversation with many, it seems that I am not alone.