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[–]Canbot 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

There seem to be a lot of double standards going on. More precisely everyone acts extremely outraged and disgusted until it is someone they know and care about. The people who are the most passionate about going after pedos seem to be more interested in their own cathartic violence, only using their anti pedo outrage as an excuse to unleash on someone. If I had to guess most are victims of sexual abuse and that trauma festers inside them, so they instantly rationalize it as getting some justice. But when you really look at how they react to the details it becomes clear that no one is actually that interested in the details, or by extension justice or revenge; and especially not what is best for the kids. What they are most interested in is being violent.

Until, of course, the pedo is a fellow cop, or teacher, or a beloved coach, or a fellow jew, any version of "one of us" really.

Ultimately everyone is very interested in using it as a weapon against, and as an excuse to attack those they don't like. The media uses it to paint catholic priests as pedos, the poor accuse the rich of being pedos, feminists accuse all men, the left say it's mostly conservatives, the right says it's a left wing conspiracy.

So the conversation about pedophilia is less about pedophilia and more about who gets to indulge in their primal blood lust and against whom.

As such, any hint of restraint is a direct challenge to everyone's desires.

Which feels disgusting to say, and I can't be sure if it is because of my own blood lust or because I genuinely see the degradation of society being engineered and pedophilia normalization being a large part of that. I want to say that despite the topic being hijacked by blood thirsty narcissists, there are certainly valid reasons to be conservative and strict when creating policies on the matter. Not least of which is erring on the side of caution on a topic that is poorly fleshed out, has potentially devastating consequences, and there is a lack of scientific data to support any claims.

[–]ybdbdmf 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

how's this for scientific data the average life expectancy before 1700 was 29/30? You think you can surpress millions of years of evolution with 'society'? That is as deluded as the gender benders

[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

People did not know what germs were. Doctors would handle cadavers then go make deliveries without washing. This killed a lot of women in childbirth. This also killed a lot of newborns. That kind of shit really brought down the average a lot. We will never know exactly how much of the increase in life expectancy is due to soap alone, but it could well be most of it.

[–]ybdbdmf 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

agriculture was invented 10-15 thousand years ago, before that society did not exist. Our species of human appeared 200-300k years ago, other types of human 6 million years ago. Society has had zero impact on the evolutionary forces that shaped us. At the very best, it can only shape them by pitting one evolutionary force(mainly fear, vanity, cowardice) against another.