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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Even more reason to be aware of it and tread minimally.

By chance are you on the Aspberger's spectrum? I'm ADHD and bipolar and tried to fit in society's cubicle expectations so I took their Big Pharma poisons that destroyed my life and made me a zombie. A doctor who didn't know me for shit told my Mom I was on the spectrum because I paced the halls of the psych ward for lack of anything else to do for 2 weeks. Maybe he was right, if any time on their poisons, but I doubt it. The only good to come from my lost dozen year is that I understand mental "illness" now and can accept and even embrace who I am with all my pros/cons where many of my greatest strengths are simultaneously my greatest weaknesses. That and when crawling out of that pit of despair I had nothing but time and curiosity and pieced together an understanding of the ruling class and their full spectrum dominance.