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[–]Comatoast 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You're not censored saying anything against a white man unless he claims he's a woman**

This affects all women. It's hard to not have a collectivist mentality when you share your collective fucking biological sex with half the population and have specific needs that cater to that biology.

And were gay men ever really a target for feminists? This is a serious question, because while I congregate with GC feminists and respect their views in their spaces I don't necessarily feel the same on some topics and am not entirely familiar with the histories between factions. Aren't gay men considered to be allied, more or less?

[–]Trajan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It affects everybody below transgender people in the progressive stack. This isn’t exclusively a wamen thing. You really think that a straight white man can say whatever he wants about transgenders? That you look around the pit into which you have been thrown, look around and notice that some occupants have vaginas, doesn’t make that the defining reason for your exile. In fact it only perpetuates the identity-based oppression narrative that fostered this nonsense. I think there could be a common front against this nonsense if we can see ourselves as individuals. I can’t easily find common ground with the misandry and paranoia of feminism any more than a black person could find an ally in a white supremacist.

Gay men were competition for oppression points. The intersectional argument was used by lesbians to move themselves to the front of ‘GLB’ - despite gay men experiencing far more social and legal discrimination.