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[–]steaknpotatoes 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You want to allow a few tech corporations to decide what people can say and express online, hell under your Laissez-faire ideas ISPs and telecoms can just deny you service totally if they don't like you. That's just ridiculous, which is why I'm not gonna argue much further. How about phone app stores there's only 2 that have captured 99.999% of the market, and somehow you think the market will magically correct this, wake up it's not fixing itself. Yeah lets allow drug companies to only allow certain people to have their life saving drugs. Simplistic lazy libertarian views are dangerous and the thing is your support for allowing big tech to censor based on political biases you'll most likely be one of the people silenced.

Under a public forum designation the government would only step in if Youtube was not allowing free speech, so maybe you just don't like free speech, hard to tell. Oh and net neutrality is a good thing, these few private ISPs need to stay the fuck off our internet traffic.