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[–]hfxB0oyA[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

At least she added some facts in the meat of the article, as follow:

In a poll, 76% are proud to fly the Canadian flag. 14% disagree. (In the poll data, only 9% say they strongly disagree)

Same poll, 88% of people say we should celebrate the country, with many saying we should also reflect on how we can do better. 12% say we should spend the day moping on Twitter.

I wasn't in agreement with the anti-vax message of some of the convoy people, but I support unequivocally their right to have protested. They were allowed to use the flag because they're Canadian. I'll fly it because I'm Canadian. Our disagreements have nothing to do with that symbol. Nobody gets to own it.

The stuff that Canada has put on our indigenous people has been awful. But they're Canadian as well. I agree that we need to remember that and strive to do better. But they are Canadians as well. The country's name is literally a derivation of an Iroquois word. We can be ashamed of their maltreatment without being ashamed to be Canadian.

Canada Day is about all of us. It's about our ability to live together and disagree and to strive for a better future for all of our neighbours, even if we will never meet them or even like them. Canada is worth that complex and contradictory principle.