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[–]aaarrgh 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

more probably it was the contrary: Ukrainian shelling. MSM=lying

[–]SoCo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The environmental disaster the entire world has been monitoring for the last 7 years, has been the Ukrainian Army shelling the Donbas region and disrupting the mines, which need to pump water out constantly to prevent the water supply from being contaminated with mine chemicals, explosions from mine gas buildups, and release of nuclear contamination from the underground nuclear bomb tests sealed in one of the old mines.

To anyone who remembers the history of any of this, which were well publicized news events world wide, the whole reporting of everything this year is a big fat lie. You know Russia did not "invade", that Ukraine was the aggressors and that Russia went to Geneva pleading for the UN and world to do something to stop the Ukraine destruction of the Donbas region, its industries (now decimated), its people (who Russia considered under genocidal attack), and the ecological time bomb they were shelling. The UN and Geneva laughed, did nothing, and rejected Russia's very humanitarian, humble, and empathetic attempt to be a part of the world as a partner and resolve the issue though our US/UN established world court systems. It was an embarrassing mega slap in the face and a full out rejection of our world club and diplomatic way of doing things to Russia. Russia will probably never forgive the western world for their hypocrisy and they took protecting their neighbors into their own hands. We retaliated with racist anti-Russian sanctions, reinforcing that we don't regard Russians as humans with the dignities we demand.