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[–]RedEyedWarrior 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes. I agree 100%. The falsely accused are the real victims of rape. Their lives are ruined. Even if they get their names cleared, the media would cover the fact that their names have been cleared. And there will always be 100 retards in the same town who will still insist that the two men who are innocent "are still guilty, I'm still with her!". So those retards will continue to make the lives of the falsely accused miserable, and they will get away with it.

People who make false rape accusations should get the maximum sentence for rape. Fuck it, people who lie about being raped should have their heads shaved and be flogged in public to serve a warning. And don’t give me crap about how this will prevent actual victims of rape from coming forward. If a rape victim comes forward, we should be sympathetic but we should also exercise scepticism until the evidence is clear. If the rape did happen, castrate the perpetrator and flog him or her in public 1,000 times. If the rape didn’t happen and it was clear that the accuser just wanted to ruin the accused person's life, castrate the liar and flog her or him in public 1,000 times. And if there is no evidence either way, then keep investigating.