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[–]sdl5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

To understand and forecast the goals and likely actions of the elites in the US (as well as Canada and many elites and leadership in EU nations) it is critical to acknowledge and synthesize into your analysis the huge preponderance of descendents of Trotskyites and Bandarists combined with the historical hatred of the Anglos towards Russia.

Their psychological and emotional and ideological motivations have little to do with anything remotely resembling logic or planning- beyond their obssession with destroying Russia as a people and nation.

Not even preservation of basic life for civilians and the viable survival of western nations is relevant to them.

Not even securing of the resources there comes close to equalling the desire to obliterate all that is Russia forever.

Once you understand this is about grand revenge fantasies, generational hatred, and an obsessive need to defeat and wipe out "the enemy" you can see the clear and consistent pattern of choices on overt display.

[–]RandomCollection[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Putin has more than time. He has an industrial base that is cranking out artillery rounds as a rate that the United States and Europe could not match in five years. Putin has a robust military that is recruiting 500,000 volunteers a year while Ukraine is still struggling to come up with a plan to scarf up new cannon fodder. Russia has the luxury of being able to train new recruits for 12 months, while Ukraine, if it can drag some unsuspecting souls out of discos and grocery stores, can send their folks off to Europe for four weeks of learning how to put on a uniform.

The ruling class seems to be unable to face reality. They are being outproduced.

This is the problem. The so-called foreign policy experts that populate think tanks and Congressional committees in Washington, DC do not know a damn thing about Russia. They are obsessed with a 1980s vision of Russia and are refusing to take a fresh look at Russia as a nation, as an industrial power and as a legitimate military force. These dummies do not realize that if Putin suddenly disappears that Russia is not going to crumple into a fetal position and beg for the West to love it. Ain’t going to happen. Russia understands one thing that the United States does not — it will defend the motherland at any cost. Russians are proud of their country and its history. It has rejected the legacy of the Soviet era and embraced Orthodox Christianity. The United States? Its borders are being flooded with a tsunami of migrants, its major cities are filled with homeless drug addicts and crime, its politicians are busy enriching themselves at the expense of their countrymen and the government is promoting and protecting sexual deviance.

The US Establishment types are ignorant about Russia, are proud of being ignorant, and not open to learning.