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[–]sdl5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting national statistics past the surface ranges and claims:

Most reporting tend to cluster minors and young adults to 25 or cluster anyone 18 or older. This spreads out, lowers, and masks the true percentages.

The 18-25 age bracket is overwhelmingly the top group for all the above:

Mental health issues, self reported depression Severe mhi Substance abuse Severe su Usage of non Rx drugs, particularly pain reliever types but also mj very high. Coke and heroin follow pretty close behind, meth is much lower overall. Usage of alcohol, vaping, Rx drugs, party drugs. And a LOT of Rx drugs are gifted by friends vs street bought or abused their own Rx.

Teens have heavy suicide ideation, and a fair ratio that attempt, and a moderate ratio that plan and attempt. They also high the highest rates of treatment for both mhi and sai, around 80% overall.

NA teens have by far the highest usage and mh issues. Multi ethnic is really bad too.

26 and over have very low ratios in comparison on virtually everything, only reaching close to parity with 18-25 on the percentage with mh issues not receiving any or desired treatment, around 40%.

The percentages of new substance abuse in last year in 2022 was very low for most high risk drugs for 18-25, indicating su was well established already.

Very little older adults started anything- new to vaping over 25 the exception- and teens mostly had the usual 3 new usage of mj alcohol, and cigs.

As to ethnicity: Multi ethnic is in top 2 for most categories. Meth is heavily black, but high for white and NA too. Other party drugs more white, but black and NA bad. Rx pain meds evenly across black, white, but not high, super low in Latino and Asian. Non Rx pain meds are also black and white high, much lower in Latino and Asian. Alcohol heavily NA, but bad in all but Asian.

Now consider what all this more dpecific data tells you...

[–]kingsmegLiberté, égalité, fraternité 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So.... working as planned. They've used deadly drugs for decades to remove 'undesirables' or 'surplus humans' from society.

In fact this is why they've criminalized doctors who prescribe pain-killers to people whose bodies are worn out from physical labor. So that these people will be forced to buy black market pain-killers of unknown pedigree, because they need the pain-killers to be able to keep working. And they inevitably get fentanyl-laced drugs and have an overdose. This is the intent, to cull physical laborers as soon as their bodies are too worn down to compete with the young. Before they start costing the state money in disability benefits, Medicare/Medicaid, and SS benefits.

They don't prosecute doctors for prescribing anything to rich people. Only those who give them to the working class. The rich can put themselves to sleep every night with Propofol, nobody says anything unless the patient dies (IIRC both Michael Jackson and Prince).

[–]RandomCollection[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Feels like San Francisco is quickly falling apart. The whole Doom Loop talk seems to be quite valid.

A city doesn't lose people to drug overdose unless there are people with a reason to be be addicted - namely face economic despair.

[–]sdl5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


No policing for dealers or deals, decriminalizing all drugs basically, ignoring open public consumption AND severe dosage reaponses- right up until someone calls 911.

And keep in mind that data is JUST in the homeless, which have exploded on population due to being allowed free rein and many services no cost (regardless of the brief partial purge for Xi visit).