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[–]Maniak🥃😾[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Full tweet:

The vast majority of Israelis are neither Semitic nor hereditary tide to Palestine. It's just science.

Dr. Areilla Oppenheim at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, did the first extensive DNA study in 2001 of Israelis & Palestinians, and concluded that the emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became Israel were of Mongol 40% & Turkish 40% genome...there was no Semetic blood associated to the original Hebrews from the Middle East of 4,000 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory.

This was confirmed by another DNA project by Dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine at the John Hopkins University of School of Medicine, in 2012. His conclusions were the same!*

The Askenanzi did not ever migrate out of the Middle East!*

At the same time extensive DNA evidence found the Palestinians to be 80% more or less, Semetic blood in their ancestors who were found therefore to be the real Israelites.

The white Jews whose ancestors embarked on ships in 1882 to Palestine before it was named Israel---aren't Israelites. These White Eastern European descendants of German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, Georgian, etc., are impostors claiming to be Gods Chosen Ones, but are descendants of the old Khazars from the Khazarian Caucus & they have been denying this scientific evidence as they have made up myths of their own histories, which already many Americans believe throughout one whole century, i.e. Schofield Bible.

For, the real history of the new established "Israel in 1947" --'is no secret today!*

Palestinians were found to be almost more or at least 80% Semetic.

[–]Tom_BombadilNational status = freedom 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

These White Eastern European descendants of German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, Georgian, etc., are impostors claiming to be Gods Chosen Ones, but are descendants of the old Khazars from the Khazarian Caucus & they have been denying this scientific evidence as they have made up myths of their own histories, which already many Americans believe throughout one whole century, i.e. Schofield Bible.

Would it be surprising to learn that these same deceivers would revise history to manufacture a "Holocaust" that never was?

The motive is to manufacture sympathy as a victimized people, in order to advance the Zionist agenda and populate Israel with their own people.

They play both sides. They play the left, and the right.