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[–]Maniak🥃😾 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The point that was made to him on RBN, and that he keeps ignoring/dismissing, is that Trump supporters take him shitting all over Trump as his calling them fucktards for supporting him, especially when what he's (rightly) accusing Trump of also applies to Biden whom he refuses to call out for what he is.

He's not saying "hey you, if you're a Trump voter you're a fucking moron". He's saying, not in those words obviously, "Trump is SO dangerous and evil that you'd need to be a fucking moron to support him". Or more accurately, what he's saying is heard this way, and it's an absolutely appropriate and sensible way to understand his words. I'm no Trump supporter and that's what even I hear when he talks about Trump. What boggles my mind is why he doesn't seem to compute this even though he's orders of magnitude smarter than I am. Major disconnect.

To be clear, I'm fine with him shitting on Trump. Trump is a big sack of shit just like all the others. I'm not fine with him pretending that Biden and the democrats are in any way better when they've been the ones causing the hurt and pain ever since they got back 'in control', way beyond what Trump could have ever dreamed (dreamt?) of doing, since they got back in power.

There's a major disconnect, a major partisan disconnect that's running defense for the democratic party, and it's no wonder that it's being heard in the way that it is. Whomever is advising him to follow this line of campaigning is either incompetent or ill-intentioned, and that's me trying very hard to be kind to West by assuming that he's been getting extremely bad advice.

Cornel absolutely talks about class. It's always part of his talk. He's not going to stop talking about white supremacy though and he really shouldn't. It comes from his Christian background, which he lives better than most Christians. I'm an atheist btw, so I don't tend to quote The Bible, but this seems to be the passage that Cornel is modeling. It's the way he will connect with Trump voters and religious people, even as he says that Trans people should have rights.

He does talk about class yes, then he talks about how those class issues are actually not bigger than the identity issues he also talks about. That's bullshit and it's a messaging choice. As to his devout religious side, that's not a strength, it's a vulnerability, as it always is. He's not ever going to connect with Trump voters and red-oriented religious people by shitting on their prophet while running cover for the equivalent evil on the other side.

He's not one of the psychopathic religious leaders. He's one of the good ones. He uses his religious side to reinforce his innate goodness and I've never once heard him try to use it to push anything onto others. He could be using it as the tool it is to control and manipulate others, but that's not him, and this is absolutely to his credit. It also means that he won't gain anything from it. Trump supporters are not going to listen to him while they see him going on about how Trump is Evil™️ while Biden is a GoodPerson™️, religion or not.

His campaign messaging as of right now is a democrat-lite messaging. That's not going to work.

[–]captainramen🇺🇸🛠️ MAGA Communist 🛠️🇺🇸[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What boggles my mind is why he doesn't seem to compute this even though he's orders of magnitude smarter than I am.

That is the reason. Smart people are the dumbest fucking people on earth.

There's a major disconnect, a major partisan disconnect that's running defense for the democratic party, and it's no wonder that it's being heard in the way that it is. Whomever is advising him to follow this line of campaigning is either incompetent or ill-intentioned, and that's me trying very hard to be kind to West by assuming that he's been getting extremely bad advice.

I don't even think it is that. He doesn't want to lose his social standing among his peers. It's the same reason he endorsed the clot shot, even though he should fucking know better.

[–]Maniak🥃😾 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, the endless parade of people who should fucking know better but end up endorsing, doing and enforcing absolutely horrendous things doesn't seem to be ending...

Conditioning works on all types of people and to your point, conditioned smart people may be the worst ones because of what they're able to do with it, especially when compared to what they would be able to do about it if they weren't conditioned to just... follow that particular flow.

Still a fucking shame to see.

[–]SusanJ 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I guess I disagree about the democrat-lite thing. I don't think I've ever heard him say that Biden is a good person. As Cornel said in the interview, "some people will listen and some won't." He's reaching out anyway.

[–]Maniak🥃😾 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a perception thing. He's shitting on Trump, which is absolutely fair, but he's at the same time refusing to call out Biden in the same way even when presented with facts about how Biden has been even worse than Trump. Hell, Biden has been worse than Trump his entire public life. If Trump is a fascist, what is Biden exactly? Why is it so hard to say it? Because it could piss off democrats? Then why is it so easy to do it to republicans?

West has been making the point that the democratic party is better than its red self, which is an issue in and of itself, but the imbalance between his criticism of the red part of the duopoly while actively refusing to apply the same... let's call them 'values' to the blue side is a major messaging error. That's not me doing whataboutism because both sides are the same thing. That's me pointing out that both sides are part of the same whole. You're either against the whole thing or you're just part of the theater. West is entirely fucking up that part.

People's partisanship has already been wound up to the max. If he wants to go after Trump, he'd better be ready to hold the blue team to the same standards if he wants to reach the red voters.

That's not at all what he's doing. Even ignoring all his dismissals of major issues that have been affecting regular people all over, caused by the blue team, the blatant imbalance between how he treats both parties is enough to guarantee that he's not going to reach the people he says he wants to reach.

Either he takes a stand against the entire duopoly or he plays pattycake with both sides. But going hardcore anti-red while playing pattycake with the blue side... that's running a democrat-lite campaign. It's infuriating to the red-minded people and it's disheartening to the anti-establishment people.

This messaging is horrendously misguided, not to mention tone-deaf. It keeps being pointed out to him, RBN did it, Sabby did it, Jimmy tried to do it, and yet it somehow doesn't seem to get through even just a little.

He's basically doing an RFK impression right now, and I'm fucking disheartened to see it.