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[–]BerryBoy1969It's not red vs. blue - It's capital vs. you 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, the question is, will President Zelensky accept, rather shortly now, that the game is up. If he wants to stay President of Ukraine, he has to agree to cede about 25% of his country, and a third of its population, to the Russians. Then, he can do whatever he wants. Join NATO, fight the Russians again on his own, live in peace, whatever he wants.

"President" Zelensky has nothing to say about the terms and conditions that will end the U.S. war against Russia in Ukraine. Russia has stated repeatedly that the U.S. and it's European vassal states are agreement incapable insofar as any agreements crafted by them are just ink on paper, or rules created to be broken by those self appointed leaders of the rules based international order, who conveniently create rules for thee, but not for me.

I don't know if you've read this article that covers the US plans for Ukraine, crafted by America's Big Brain Trust back in 1993, but I'm sure Russia has.

Russia will let the U.S. know when the goals of their SMO have been reached, and any agreements made with the U.S. and it's Europoodles will be agreements crafted by Russia for it's own benefit.

Short of nuclear war, the U.S. has no other options, and their pivot to Asia will be a fools errand without the ability to Balkanize Russia and put NATO weapons on China's border. Our owners are coming to the slow realization that the Western Values the government they bought, and the media they own promote by bombing weaker countries into submission, is in the process of being isolated by it's past victims who have had more than enough of their shit.

The American Empire's reached the 10/10 intersection on the FAFO scale.