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[–]PresentableSonInLaw 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I do consider this to be a possibility. Although I hope it's false cause everyone I know has gotten this injection.

Micro-thrombosis is not the only means by which this injection might be dangerous. The graphene oxide which "La Quita Columba" claims to have found in the injections and the biomechanism of "Antibody-dependent enhancement " (ADE) which scientists like Robert Malone and Sucharit Bhakdi talk about might be equally deadly.

The only way to "rationalize" such an atrocity would be through the "limits to growth concept". By which the perpetrators of this genocide would claim to "save the world"/"save humanity" by purposefully creating a controlled collapse (As opposed to letting humanity take its course which following the "limits to growth concept" would lead to an inevitable uncontrolled collapse).