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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah if we are talking about "apocalypse now" types their support of Israel essentially comes down to less "let's hurry along the apocalypse" and more "my interpretation of biblical prophecy is 100% correct and not open for debate, so I must do XYZ or else I will go to hell" since they now think support of the Israeli stage is prophesied it's what God wants and they can't go against God.

Most of the time this kind of absolutist thinking is simply harnessed by others with political motivations. It's not at all a new phenomenon though, you've had christians convinced they'd see the second coming in their lifetime since Jesus time essentially. It's pretty crazy but makes sense when you consider that it's a form of woke in a sense. They're "awoken" to the truth of one particular interpretation of the bible that is 100% true with no room for discussion or nuance. And if reality contradicts that truth then reality must be a lie.

Had a lot of these discussions back during the evolution vs creationism controversies, I'm actually surprisingly in favor of having the discussions if only because I think it's important that kids growing up in schools actually know what their peers believe rather than having everything in kind of semi-exclusive bubbles. That said much like with the woke the hardliners really can't tolerate open discussions because it lends itself to the possibility that people will make a better argument that convinced people, which of course must be satanic.

These days with the woke it's the same kind of mindset. People become convinced they know the absolute truth and that any discussion around it must come from a place of evil. Rather depressing how it infects institutions and cripples their ability to get anything done but it's nothing new, we've just never seen an all encompassing form of it spread via the internet into all walks of life, in the past it spread via churches much more slowly since that was the "social media" of the time.

The history of what a lot of American christians believe to the be the absolute 100% total truth and correct interpretation of the bible is rather ironic. Take the pre-tribulation rapture beliefs for example. Pretty ubiquitous in the public consciousness, yet most christians don't believe it is biblical. Most evangelical non-denominational types believe it, and they believe that it was what the early church leaders and apostles believed as well, which is pretty historically illiterate considering nobody wrote about it until that one girl thought it up via a fever dream in the 1800's. Funnily enough they already know the truth though so don't bother to study history that might confuse them. Same logic applies to the sciences, ignore the material reality of the universe if it disagrees with what you already know to be true. And the same applies to the woke although it lacks any sort of overreaching doctrinal authority that can slow the mutation of ideas. "You can be anything you want to be" kind of pathological positivity teachings gets spread to everything even when it makes no sense. You can be a woman even if you have a penis. It's ablist to say a blind person can't be a bus driver. You can do whatever you want you just gotta believe, in yourself instead of God I guess, but really I won't criticize either so long as it isn't done to the point of lunacy, if you believe in yourself enough that you think you can fly like super man I don't see any substantial difference between that belief and believing God will rescue you if you jump off the temple roof.

[–]LyingSpirit472 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Exactly, and it does make the point: Wokeness has become a religion in the modern era. They both have a firm belief in a soul, they each are built around "you are literally, inherently evil by virtue of not being one of us, and only by being one of us and doing everything we say can you be saved", they have a firm belief "everyone is really one of us, they just don't know it yet!"- and thus, anything they do to force someone to join them is justified and indeed the most heroic act any human can do, they both have a big list of tenets their believers are expected to do, they each preach 'believe and all things are possible", they each refuse debate because debate could make them see they're wrong.

Actually, that's kind of unfair: Religion is actually more positive than wokeness since religion believes in an afterlife. At least in religion they say "if you do everything we say and march lockstep to our beliefs, when you die you'll get to live forever in a paradise." The woke don't give you even something like "if you do everything we say and march lockstep to our beliefs, when you die your soul will be reborn into the gender/species it is at its heart and you'll have your true experience as a paradise". Shit, they go the opposite and flat out say "...and even if you join us, your privilege means you can never truly be saved and be one of us. You will ALWAYS be literally, inherently evil, and no matter how hard you work for us, when you die we will say 'Here lies an -ist/-phobe. HEY EVERYONE, let's all piss on their grave!"