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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (7 children)

It's a pokemon tournament so this is the level of immaturity and rediculous nonsense I expect from that crowd.

I love Nintendo stuff but once you start getting into the fan base it's all sorts of rediculous drama. Is an unhealthy positivity bias abounds. I've gotten some of them quite pissed before when I've said I don't like some game for certain reasons and they get really defensive like you've just insulted their mother or something and start whining about how much you suck. It's really funny.

I mean I guess they're just the types that take it personally when people don't like the exact same shit as them. There's this great write up online somewhere, the great nerd social fallacies or whatever that really covers it better than I do, let's see here it is.

Anyway it's no surprise then this circle is more or less intersected with the expanded Alphabet spectrum, for good and for bad, get the fun flamboyant gays that have solid social skills but don't care about looking like a "nerd" since they're over giving a fuck about that, they're fun, but you also get all the socially awkward emotionally weak types with zero social skills whatsoever and so it's a drama factory.

This is a perfect example as well as the problem with pronouns, it's essentially giving the judge a way to simply remove people arbitrarily then pretend it was justified. If the fox article is to be believed the "They/Them" judge simply didn't like this person for some reason and so made up some bullshit about feeling threatened so they could remove them. Again the level of competency I'd expect from a Pokemon tournament.

[–]ClassroomPast6178 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun -  (3 children)

That’s a really longwinded way of saying “Autism is real, yo!”

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I don't think it's autism so much as just general retardation, social retardation at least, a lot of the kids are smart but not wise if that makes sense.

The autistic types are there and while that runs the gambit from weird eccentric genius type to barely cognizant slightly verbal type, honestly they don't bother me much. Most of the time the worst they'll do is talk your ear off about some topic they care about but you don't. I usually humor them but try to gently steer the topic onto something we both like.

Nah it's more like there's a bunch of people who have all this self-hate and resentment towards themselves. I think it's a control thing frankly. Might be partly driven by anxiety issues. I think people like that are drawn to games and computers and the like since they can control the environment there, but it bleeds into real life and it's a mess.

Like in a game you have a set bunch of rules for what is and is not possible in the game and working around them to achieve victory is the goal? Or at least I think so, a lot of these people really really don't like losing and will get incredibly pissed if you manage to best them.

I think I was playing smash with someone years back who kept getting pissy when they lost since that was basically the only thing they were good at. And I'm like, mate you're clearly better at the game than me but you can only win 100% of the time when you do the totally flat stages and no items. I can play you the same map the same way hundreds of times but it gets boring. You'll lose when we actually set the rules to normal, because you can't adapt to the changing circumstances. But it's a friendly match, is winning all the time? Is every match being 100% fair important when there's literally nothing at steak? Yes? Alright then.

Life sucks for these people. Since shit is at steak and it's also not fair.

[–]Wanderingthehalls 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ugh, my son plays Pokemon and loves it. The guy who owns the shop he plays at is the type that would probably have roared at that judge to get over herself though. (I have it in my head that the they/them judge is a she/her, though I have come across a few very annoying male NBs too.) But I do worry about him becoming a bit like some of the people you describe. I knew plenty of boys/men like that when I was a teenager and some of them grew up to be very awkward, unfulfilled men. My son is empathetic, can be charming and is naturally athletic though. So I have a strict rule that he can do all the nerdy stuff he wants but he has to keep up some sort of social sport too. I don't have to be strict about it because he's happy to do a number of active hobbies but if I have be to as he gets older, I will be. I'm not overly worried though, as even though he's still a preteen, he's already quite into looking good in front of girls and knows that in general, girls are more impressed by physical ability than gaming.

All that said, if he ever gets kicked out of a tournament for having a nervous reaction to being asked his pronouns, I will tear the place down. This was bullying a kid based on ideology. I would honestly lawyer up and sue for discrimination. I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure I'd win based off what I do know of the laws in my country.

[–]Adventurous_Ad6212 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I wonder what category I fall in to… I’m not flamboyant and my social skills suck. But I don’t get sand in my vagina constantly. I also really enjoy Pokémon. Not the cards so much since I’m bad at card games but goddamn do I love the console games. Just got scarlet recently and oh boy was I pleased as punch to see how they turned a beloved franchise into a true open world adventure game.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Pokemon is popular for good reason. I've never been a fan though.

You don't really count if you don't care about winning. I don't like these sorts of games competitively because they end up just being a bit stupid. You have to spend loads of time grinding up for random shit just to get a small statistical advantage over your opponent who has done the same.

It's fun to play with your friends. It's less fun to play with a bunch of people who have no lifed the game and or are cheating.

[–]Adventurous_Ad6212 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't play competitively i just play the story and collect enjoy the single player