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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Forgive me I don't speak twitter so I have no clue what this post is on about. Absolutism in the Anakin Skywalker school of debate that persists in LGBTQHIV+ spaces? You're with me or you are my enemy! Man reminds me of strict christian movements where they'd suddenly find something popular to demonize and you went along with the crowd or got ostracized and branded a satanist. In the past we burned Harry Potter books because they taught children how to summon Pokemons who would make them talk back to their parents. Now we burn Harry Potter books because JK Rowling prefers the term Woman to Birthing-Unit.

I think what we are going to see going forward is the LGBT movement as a whole just utterly disintegrate due to infighting giving the religious right the cultural reigns again for a time. The cycle continues. You'll get these woke LGBT positive parents absolutely beside themselves wondering how their children could come out as religious conservatives and utterly shocked at the very idea despite themselves not following their own parents footsteps and decrying their beliefs as wrong once upon a time.

Has everyone simply forgotten the trend of teenage rebellion? They'll rebel against whatever their parents positions are. If their parents are ideological authoritarians they'll only rebel that much harder. I can't begin to tell you how many stories from born again christians I've heard where they converted and converted hard due to their parents constantly belittling religion and punishing them for reading the bible and the like. The opposite rings true? I've seen people develop very unhealthy attitudes towards things like sex and pornography because their parents went so far to ban even the slightest PG rated material from the house well into the kids Teenage years.

Perhaps they aren't so different from their parents in adopting extreme takes on things. But surely at some point they've gotta realize the whole teens rebelling again their parents ideology and be a bit introspective as to ask why the kids would want to do that beyond the teenager being teenagers? But that involves self-awareness so nah.

Gay person wants to vote republican doesn't mean that person agrees with the republican party platform on gay people. I mean come on but these same people think eating at a specific chicken restaurant is tantamount to lynching. God it is all so tiring. It reminds me of the hardcore christians treating all sins the same, doesn't matter if you murder someone or sneak an extra cookie from the cookie jar when you aren't supposed to fire and brimstone for you. Doesn't matter if you actually go out and beat gay people to death or go to a business that donates money to republicans you horrible person you. It's all so fucking religious. God anyone rememeber the Baptist Disney boycotts? How the fuck do gay people go from an environment where going to Disneyland was evil because they didn't actively tell the gays to get lost to making a similar environment where eating at a certain fast food restaurant is akin to blasphemy because the head honcho guy publicly supported a campaign you don't like?

God the LGBTQ spaces at the moment are basically a new religion. Give it 100 years I wonder if we'll not have it morph into a legitamate religious organization. The Church Legabitraqua, with its own holy priesthood of Uni-Binary Cardinals. Tri-sexual Non-Bishops, and a liturgy where they sing YMCA and It's raining men when the Queen of Drag stands up to address the congregation in a thrilling hellfire speech where xey condemn the evils of eating chicken and tell the cautionary tale of the Lesbians who were cursed by the Blue Bird for not accepting the phallus into their glory holes and we're cast out of the left coast and forced to live in the flyover states and compete in the TERF wars in order to win the only hybrid Subaru east of the Sierra Nevada.

[–]LordoftheFliesAmeri-kin 2.0. Pronouns: MegaWhite/SuperStraight/UltraPatriarchy 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The Church Legabitraqua, with its own holy priesthood of Uni-Binary Cardinals. Tri-sexual Non-Bishops, and a liturgy where they sing YMCA and It's raining men when the Queen of Drag stands up to address the congregation in a thrilling hellfire speech where xey condemn the evils of eating chicken and tell the cautionary tale of the Lesbians who were cursed by the Blue Bird for not accepting the phallus into their glory holes and we're cast out of the left coast and forced to live in the flyover states and compete in the TERF wars in order to win the only hybrid Subaru east of the Sierra Nevada.

Your comment was going pretty well, and then it just veered right off of the road and into a ditch full of "WTF?!?" :D

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Drunk driving mother fucker!

[–]LyingSpirit472 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They'll rebel against whatever their parents positions are. If their parents are ideological authoritarians they'll only rebel that much harder.

Even that doesn't change the rebellion.

Millennials and Gen-X people were built around being so accepting of all people that the only thing that'd really make a Millennial Mommy or Daddy HURT is if you grew up to be a hate-filled bigot- so by that logic, the Gen-Z child HAS to become a hateful supremacist. It's not about the beliefs, it's about making Mommy and Daddy cry and say "...where did I go wrong?"

This also explains why so many of the Gen-Z beliefs openly contradict each other and you literally can't have both things- they know you can't, but it'll sure make Mommy and Daddy regret not buying you a pony when you were 8.