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[–]WhenImBannedJihad against the woke[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Nope, you assume they are true believers. They're not. They're never going to ban commonly used words. Advertisers will move to competing platforms. Banning of milk etc are just fake news with deliberately sensational headlines for clicks.

[–]LyingSpirit472 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You assume that these people are rational. They're not.

Assuming that there's 100 people in social media:

1 is outright, openly hateful. They are the bigot that you fear. These people will not be reached, hell, they'd gloat it'd hate them and use it more.

49 are somewhere on the other side. They can be reached by the hateful person if you're enough of an asshole to them....but can be reached by love as well by the good people.

That's 50 people in the side of the woke.

10 of the people on their side will turn against the left entirely if you're enough of an asshole to them.

35 of the people left are fully left, and will fall in line to someone who's more progressive than they are.

4 people are woke true believers. They truly want equality and will fight the good fight, no matter what it is. They're also not insane.

1 person is "WOKE". They are loud. They are whiny. They have a Harry Potter fetish so they truly believe they are the hero who's going to destroy the Nazis. They are spoiled enough and entitled enough that they truly believe what is good for THEM is good for their GROUP- and because they have a Harry Potter fetish, they truly believe fighting for what is good for them will stop the Nazis. They are terminally online, so they will absolutely fight for whatever windmill they tilt at 24/7, and truly believe it's fighting for their group on par with marching on Washington, and truly believe in 50 years, this will be the civil rights battle that will make them go down in history- and they WILL FIGHT UNTIL THEY GET THEIR WAY, even if it's just to shut them up.

But the worst part? Those other 4 true believers who are fighting for equality will fight to give this person their way if they're loud enough and whine for long enough...and when that happens, those other 35 people are mindless, easily confused sheep and will assume "well, we want to be good people, this is what the true believers say is good- we should fight for it too...and hell, they might even convince the people on the fringe of the left or even the right's people who can be convinced.