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[–]UbiquitousCultOfSelf 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I read most of the article, so it seems like they were investigating a fire? Roomate called 911 or something. Her (the one with the phone) mom was a Chicago cop.
Thing is, arson is a crime, yes; If it was arson. However, just because there's smoke, does not mean there's a fire (deliberately set that is).
These cops, plain and simple, were on a "fishing expedition".
So there was no Breana Taylor type deal where there was a warrant for a crime (the selling of drugs) and then collateral damage. Rather, there was no crime, just finding out through the course of investigation what's what.
They thought they could intimidate her into, sure I'll give you my phone and you'll find out I or my roommates caused the fire cause we're cooking up the white man's drug, meth.
Her mom gave her some really dumb advice.. The cops just thought, like you said, she'd roll over.
A warrant was never in play here because it hadn't progressed to that level. A detective got all smart and thought she was going to make a statement, and when she didn't he got all pissy, take her away... charge her with whatever you're going to charge her with. That's some detective. He knew he had nothing, and then he invited them to throw a ham sandwich at her.
Sherlock Holmes aside, most crimes are solved by tips from citizens to a tipline or by stupid criminals making prosecution ridiculously easy. This, sadly, is real police work at its finest.

[–]Alienhunter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I mean he's trying to bully a confession and if it's before even the "we can get a warrant stage" of the process then it's way before bullying is an effective tactics.

The chick volunteered to go in to the office for a chat she's already making this detectives job easy. She could just have said, no. Which she will in the future.

Every time a cop pulls this dumbassery not only does it mean taxpayers fit the bill but it also means that it makes cops jobs much harder as people will (for good reason) refuse to talk with the cops.

What fucking college age girl is going to willingly surrender her phone? I mean please. If you've got a warrant take it, but they don't. She's already volunteering with the cops. You could probably just ask her for a transcript of the text messages and she'd give it.

If it's arson you'd think they'd find some evidence on site that would get them the warrant. I mean it's not like meth is that hard to hide eh?

[–]UbiquitousCultOfSelf 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This. Well said.
The meth angle was just my speculation. But so much of what we hear about in the news is involved with drug sale/cooking/transport/rivalry I figure it factors into things in policing's mind often.
You're right on all those points. I think we agree.

Especially in the black community, cops just incentivized the "snitches get stitches" mentality that used to be the norm. And this is the daughter of a cop, so she's second generation trying to swim against the stream. That might have just ended.