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[–]Newzok 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm out of the loop on Afghanistan. What was gained from the war again? Or rather, the aim of going there. I'm assuming something to do with oil, hegemony etc but god damn it's confusing. Never a straight official story. With Iraq it was to prevent them from nationalising their oil iirc. What a thing to kill people over.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It was basically a war to once again enrich arms manufacturers and the people who hold stock in the companies who make the weapons and gear.

[–]Chipit[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

An ex-general broke it down. It's on video somewhere.

  1. Keep troops close to Pakistan's nuclear weapons, be ready to invade and seize them if necessary.

  2. Keep troops close to China's Belt & Road, be ready to invade and cut it if necessary.

  3. Keep the CIA close to China's Xinjiang, where they can recruit Uyghurs to overthrow the Chinese government.

Basically, to serve as a springboard for more military aggression. Plus there are trillions in minerals there, but they can't be removed because there's no transportation. China tried building and the Taliban burned them.