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[–]hfxB0oyA 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

All this garbage is making people realize that they do not need social media in their lives. When fed enough bullshit, I believe people will stop eating it and will take the individual steps to heal themselves, eventually.

[–]BobOki 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Social media itself is not the problem, it is quite literally the left deciding that they would limit everyone speech. You know, the people that have demanded equality, same rights, freedom to do what they want, and to remove the oppressor, have become the people who want special rights and REMOVE the rights of others and now do not want equality but want to BE the oppressor. Let's not forget reparations for acts they were never alive for or are affected by in any way, but do not want to be on the hook for them doing the same to their own people just a hair further back in history.

Social media is now multiple pockets of biased echo chambers that have eroded our ability to speak, think, and to treat others with even common decency much less the Golden Rule or the Don't Be A Dick rule. We now have a whole generation of low IQ mouth breathers that have grown up completely on social media and have no idea how to behave in the real world, what decorum is expected of them, how to speak to others without attacking them, how to treat people like PEOPLE and not their ideologies or political parties, and lastly have ZERO real empathy for anyone and just fakes caring for the sake of their ideology. This has given us probably the most ENTITLED generation in recorded history as well as the most narcissistic generation ever who has grown up only caring about themselves, their online clout and status, and what others can do for THEM.