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[–]BravoVictor 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Who is going to control them to prevent them from having such a "right" to say their "facts"? Isn't that censorship too? Censorship is censorship no matter who it serves.

Stopping existing pro-left censorship should be enough. Their beliefs are so insane and so in contradiction to science and basic common sense that any contact with the truth destroys it. That's why the left is so desperate to censor everyone attacking the alphabet people. It's the only way for their message to survive.

Seriously, this sounds like the "chooses to be gay" nonsense/bullshit again.

It's hardly bullshit. The left obviously believes sexual orientation is a choice. That's why they call it pride. You don't have "pride" in an innate quality. You don't have pride in have two feet or brown hair. You have pride in an accomplishment that you chose to do. That's why they need to brainwash kids into chosing to be sexually degenerate. Libs of TikTok have tons of videos of these scumbags saying, in their own words, exactly that, and how they're trying to corrupt and groom kids.

And science shows us our brains are malleable, especially at a young age. So you can corrupt kids when they're young, they'll be broken for the rest of their lives, which is why molested kids usually never grow up to have normal sexual lives or relationships.

Shunning and ostracizing the mentally ill is sick.

Then what's the solution? Allow pedophiles, groomers and degenerates to molest and defile kids and censor everyone trying to stop them?

I will try my darndest to subvert attempts to do so.

Ok groomer. We're done. There's no saving you. When the country's in flames, and you're all alone, remember you fought your darndest to make it happen.

[–]SychoShine509[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Saying something is disagreeable or false is not the same thing as wanting to deny people to have a right to say it. That's wanting control, not merely disagreement.