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[–]SerpensInferna 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I've learned I have a great need to be alone and don't really like being in an intimate relationship. When I am physically attracted to someone, I burn hot and fast and then lose interest and run for the hills once emotional intimacy begins. So basically I'm going to die alone and my cats are going to eat me.

I'm okay with that, most of the time.

It might already seem obvious to many, but I've learned that humans are intensely social creatures who have a strong need for each other and base so much of themselves on their relationships with others. We evolved in a harsh, cruel world where Mother (Nature) runs red in tooth and claw, and we got to where we are now because we clung to each other, and now that all of our basic survival needs are met in spades we're going fucking crazy because something about us inherently needs conflict.

I've learned there will always be some kind of power imbalance in any relationship, and negotiating that so both partners are happy is the key to a pleasant and long lasting union.

I've learned that no matter how little you think of yourself, if you are being treated poorly by your partner, leave. You are better off alone than abused, and your options, even as a lesbian, are far far better than you think they are.

I've learned that sometimes love really isn't enough.