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[–]Icebridge 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I feel in general the analysis is pretty trash even though I also dislike the masterdoc. One particular part that stuck out to me was when she didnt seem to understand the "im ok conceptually with dating men but the idea of actually having sex with them makes my stomach churn" (paraphrasing) part and interpreted it as "sex is scary". I felt this in particular is stupid because when i was desprately trying to convince myself i wasnt a lesbian, and convince myself i could be normal, i would try to imagine what being married or dating a guy would be like. I was ok with any of the hanging out stuff (i.e. just being friends/roomates) but any time i thought about something physical i wanted to vomit. I cant even imagine wanting to have sex with a guy so any conceptualization of it is inherently some degree of nonconsensual. I still feel the same way. Guess im just afraid of sex though. Weirdly enough i didn't feel the same when it came to women and I knew this even at the time. Huh.

I didnt get the same vibe as you did with respect to qhat the author thinks of lesbians. The writer doesnt seem to understand that no one cares she is bisexual (girl we get it you probably have a boyfriend and feel lesbians are oppressing you) and that it's bisexual women who are bending over backward to call themselves lesbians, not lesbians trying to convince bisexual women they are lesbians. We do not want y'all. It's incredible how bi women can whine about how mean lesbians dont want to date them them because they're bi and then pretend we're trying to convince them they're lesbians. Like lesbians dont have the ability to be attracted to men in any capacity. We know way better than you that you calling yourself a lesbian and only dating women doesnt make it so, any more than me calling myself straight and only dating men wouldnt make it so. Although its pretty obvious what would be more psychologically damaging... considering op would be dating people she has the capacity to be attracted to... which is why i feel infuriated by her implication that this doc is conversion therapy. Like...sweetie if you think this is conversion therapy you are so tone deaf i dont know what to tell you. Lesbians dont dislike you because of "monosexism" or whatever it's because you're like this. Nothing but respect for the bi women who stay in their lane... but I hope bi women like this stick with men. Lesbians and normal bi women deserve better god damn.

Though there are parts of the masterdoc where im like "yeah this lines up with my internalized homophobia experience" most of it is creepy ass political lesbianism and not "bi conversion therapy". And while i hate the masterdoc, i hate this op almost as much.