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[–]33799 8 insightful - 6 fun8 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

Hadn't really heard of this master doc before the recent LBL screenshots posted here... kinda shocking that it's such a big thing to some people, and that they would harass the author of this so much. I've never read the original but it doesn't seem like a very good thing, but neither does this rebuttal doc. I'm probably not going to end up finishing reading it, just kinda skimming at this point.

Also, the author is bisexual, but she also wrote "I don’t want to be accused of ‘hating lesbians’ when I am one" like uh what?????

And I thought this bit was stupid: "The bi and questioning and trans and fluid kids – kids who are already considered queerer by society than the average Ellen and Neil’s these days" — Ah yes, being OSA and SSA is more gay than being gay. Yes, not knowing if you're gay is more gay than being gay. Deciding you're special because you like both sweatpants and performing feminity is truly the gayest. Heterosexual T people who fetishize gay people are definitely the most gay.