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[–]Anniesworld 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Can you provide with the statement by trump that we should be violent to minorities? I don't remember hearing that. What did he do that promotes violence against minorities?

As a minority myself I would like to know if I'm in danger from getting hurt by trump supporters so please send me a link.

Climate change is a balancing act of making progress for change and not stifling the economy. Bidens plan is not much better than what is in place now, in my opinion.

Some of the campaign promises I can remember, but I can't link it since the Buliden campaign site took them down.

Tearing up perfectly usable buildings, and making new green buildings. Is that really better for the environment? This is massive undertaking for very limited returns. I get making all new buildings as efficient as possible, but to destroy something that was built 3 years ago seems wasteful to me.

To get rid of air travel in ten years? Is that economically viable for a country as massive as america to use railway travel, is it really much better to cut through forests and build railways? Maybe in city centers or the densely populated areas of the east coastbut in the south west and middle America it really doesn't make much sense.

Electric cars in ten years[edit: now that I think about it I think it was 2035 or 2050]. What powers electric cars? Electrical plants. How do we get that energy? - coal - Fossil fuels - Biomass( buring trees, that's popular in germany, they actually buy our dead wood and ship it to Germany. Is that efficient?) - hydro electric power ( we are currently getting rid of dams to protect salmon runs, when they could install a system to allow salmon to get up the river) - solar( I wish it was more effective but solar is not as productive as everyone had hoped for). - Wind (also very intermittent and needs a coal plant for keeping the grid alive) - natural gas (fracking I'm not sure where Biden stands on this he said yes one night no on debate night and walked it back the next day)

California has had rolling blackouts, from their solar energy grid, it is hard to keep up with demand for energy so they switch on the coal buring plants to supplement( minute 28-30). Honestly it depresses me a little since, i really had hoped that solar would be a reliable renewable. Technology has not gotten there yet, and the silica sand cells have a limit to how efficient they are and can be.

Michael moore documentary ( I got some of my info from here about bio fuel and california intermittent solar)

I have hopes that nuclear energy might come back into favorable view. Thorium reactors that have a molten salt reactor could be an alternative to uranium based reactors that can be problematic. Supposedly the reactivate waste is not as numerous and it's less reactive than a normal uranium realtor. I don't think the biden plans included his but I could be wrong. I tried to look at the site but they took down the information. -_-

I do want renewable energy to work, I think we should never give up on it, but it doesn't look like we have gotten there yet. To change over all our systems before we can truly rely on them seems a bit hasty.